Studio d'ingegneria Marco Casson

The company

MCE is an engineering company that specializes in the execution of construction projects for:


  • LIFTING EQUIPMENT: Cranes for Construction, Port cranes, Overhead Cranes, Gravity Cranes, and Winches.
  • STEEL STRUCTURES : civil and industrial silos.


The company was established in 1995 by Marco Casson who holds a Bachelor and Master’s degree in Engineering from the University of Padua, Italy. Over the past nineteen years, the company has expanded its capability with additional technicians. The company carries out design with small and medium companies both nationally and internationally.




The Company offers a range of services from design and construction calculation supervision, construction, and testing on site. The design is carried out utilizing the AutoCAD and Inventor programs while the calculations are performed utilizing the ANSYS, Straus and Robot programs.


Our priorities

  • CUSTOMER NEEDS : We provide projects that satisfy the needs of our customers.
  • DESIGN : We provide preliminary and feasibility studies aimed at optimizing the design with particular attention to the analysis of costs.
  • SUPPORT THE CONSTRUCTION : We provide assistance and construction supervision according to our design in various stages of realization to final testing.